Monday, February 15, 2010

A Very Tiny Savings

It occurred to me a couple of days ago that maybe I could cook on top of our fireplace insert. My husband lost his 20-year job, and fortunately we had nearly a year to prepare, so one big thing we did was start heating with wood. I tried this out on straight oatmeal the other day, so last night, I did my soaked method thus:

In a cast iron sauce pan the night before, combine:

1/2 cup old-fashioned oats
1 cup water
1 Tablespoon kefir (not strictly necessary)
2 Tablespoons raisins
A few pieces of walnut

Let that sit overnight and then in the morning I put it on top of the fireplace insert (with the lid on) and checked it and stirred it every 5 minutes until it was done. It took about 12 minutes, but that would depend on the fire and your situation. Next winter, we hope to have our new, larger, wood heating stove in place and then I will have a larger cooking surface to use.

Obviously, this didn't save a huge amount of electricity, but every bit adds up!


  1. I am sorry your husband lost his job. You said you knew it was coming. I sure hope you can make it. Jeff was out of work for over 5 months and it was hard. Fortunatley I am a preparedness and do it yourselfer. If thats a word. I know you are too. Is he going to be looking for more work or retiring? blessings

  2. Thank you. He was going to retire, but then we couldn't get health insurance because of "pre-existing conditions" that we could afford, so he has taken an entry-level job at a Lowe's Dristribution Center here where we live. It's a good job and he likes having a physical job after driving a desk for 20 years. In April, we'll be able to get the insurance at a reasonable price. We will make it! We started out "poor" and what was good enough coming up, is good enough going back down! A warm home, love of family and friends, plenty to eat and good work to do.. it doesn't get much better than this.

  3. I am glad your husband found a job he likes. Jeff is not happy with his, he feels inadequate. It is not in his line of work at all so he feels like he is not being used to his potential.
    Counld you post about your greenhouse? How you got it, what it cost, how you work it, pictures? I have the small one 6 1/2 feet by 27 feet and I would love a big one like a hoop house. My neighbor build one like mine only she made hers 10panels long so hers is 45 feet long. I want to change how mine is cooled, make it passive with roll up sides instead of using the water cooler all the time. I am also going to put raised beds in there. I love the tomatoes grown in it.
    take care
