Thursday, March 11, 2010

Time to start seedlings

Here I am working in the greenhouse this morning. I'm preparing a bed to start seedlings for our garden. I will move the soil back from 1/2 of this bed, put some fresh horse manure in there (it heats up as it decomposes and gives warmth to the little seeds.) Then I'll put the soil back, and plant on top of that. I will also put some wire wickets over it, and some row cover to give it a bit more protection. I am excited!


  1. I was showing the truck driver my greenhouse this morning and it was so cold outside but when we got inside it was just right even a tad warm. I love how you can go in there in the cold and its warm in the greenhouse.
    Thanks for the picture of you. Now I can put a face to your name.
    We dont have access to horse manure but we get all the cow manure we want.
    I too am going to start some more seedlings this week.
    take care.

  2. Oh, yes, even in winter, when it's quite cold, if the sun is shining, it can be really pleasant in the greenhouse. In any case, you can get out of the wind and rain! I have a friend that has horses that lives close by. That is great about the cow manure. I remember when I was just a little girl, my momma had someone deliver a huge load of horse manure. She had it piled in a long row and let it compost for many months and then put it on her garden. She had a 1/4 acre garden. Of course, that was long before I was the least bit interested! But her example stuck with me. Thank you for the kind thoughts.

  3. I forgot to tell you that if your husband does build a shed like mine, if you will put strips of old carpet about 5-6 inches wide or so along the seams the tarp or plastic will last so much longer as the sharp edges of the panel wont cut and tear it. I fasten the carpet strips on with those zip ties from wal mart. If you look at my greenhouse pix you can just see the gold colored carpet. I want to get some carpet to put strips on the cement shed, the tarps are already in less than a week shredding from the sharp edges.

  4. I wish I had a greenhouse! It looks so nice in there! I got my hot bed ready too.
