Friday, May 4, 2012

Dairy goat update...

Last year, in what we looked upon as a cost-cutting move, we sold 2 of our 3 milking does.  Then we got the little whether to keep the remaining doe (Abby) company.  Then, sadly, a few months ago, he died.  :(  Our dog keeps Abby company.  He is a herd dog and so runs the fence by the hour.  Sigh...

Everything went alright until recently when Abby ate too much of something and became seriously ill.  She is recovered now, but we thought we might lose her, and realized the wisdom of having another goat on site just in case.  So... today we went and bought "Mary." 

Mary is an American La Mancha, 2 years old, and this is her first freshening.  She is very sweet, but also stands up for herself with Abby, which is a relief!  In case you are not familiar with this breed, they have very small ears.  That's why she looks like she doesn't have any!

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