Thursday, June 7, 2012

Early June Garden Photographs - 2012

  I promised to post some pictures of our garden.  Here is how it looks early this morning.
 A view of the broccoli and cabbages.  There are some perennial weeds there I'm trying to discourage by using cardboard with only middling success.
 The "Egyptian" onions.
 "Perpetual" Swiss chard in the hoop house.  Planted last September, we ate from it all winter and will continue to do so until this fall's harvest begins.  All I do is cut off the stalks as they try to bolt to seed, and it continues to be tasty and tender.
 On the left are the onions, white and yellow (I wish I had planted some red too) and then you can see the long ridge with sweet potato plants I put in there yesterday.  They all look very happy this morning!
 The strawberry patch ~ it is finished for the year, so my husband tilled under the old growth and these two rows will expand and hopefully make lots of nice berries for next year.
 Sugar snap peas.
 Close-up of a sweet potato plant.  Early May, I planted a few of the sweet potatoes from last year and they send up the "slips" that I pull off and transplant for this year's crop.  Easy Shmeasy!
 Zinnia about to bloom.

 Potato patch ~ Yukon gold and Kennebec
 Jalapeno and California Wonder peppers in foreground, tomatoes and basil in the distance.
 Roma tomato plant.
 One basil plant.
 Bush green beans patch.
 Pole beans.
 Pot of gardenias (can't remember what they are!)  that my grandchildren gave to me for Mother's Day.
 My very tiny herb bed.  Chives, flat-leaved parsley, stevia, sage, thyme, cilantro,oregano, dill, rosemary.
 Pumpkin and winter squash patch.
 Cinderella pumpkins.
 3 varieties of corn, in blocks... early sunglow, bi-color sweet corn, and flour corn.
 Butternut squash.  The next picture is of zuchinnis. 
 Heirloom Finnish garlic that I planted from cloves last October.
 And here are some I missed from the year before.  They are getting huge!
 Little cucumber seedlings.
 Did you know that hens and chickens can bloom?
My one and only hydrangea.

Come by, anytime, and I'll give you a tour! This post is linked up with Simple Lives Thursday #99 , Fantabulous Fridays #16, AND Friday Food Flicks ...:)


  1. Beautiful. Not a weed in site. I am so glad for you.

    1. Thank you so much! Well, of course, it just so happens we weeded it last night! And I can promise by the end of the season it will be a wilderness of weeds, but I figure if I can keep them at bay long enough so we can have a harvest, that's ok. Every year I hope to keep ahead of them, but never do. :/

  2. Perennial weeds are such a nuisance, but it looks like they are not taking over your veggies any time soon. I love how everything seems to be thriving. Very inspiring! The garlics look very happy!

  3. When is a good date for the vegetable garden the tour? :)
    I so much wish to go for canning season. Even by train it will take me like 14 hrs.

    But it is good to see the pictures here.

