Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Our first "real" harvest of 2012

I brought in a "real" harvest this evening.  A few turnips, a big onion, a few little zuchinni (that I will saute with the onion), a little broccoli and LOTS of sugar snap peas!  I am SO happy!  :D


  1. That looks nice! I have harvested various things for a while now: radishes, kale, various salad greens, parsley. I try to plan my kitchen garden so that the harvest season is as long as possible. Nothing beats the taste of veggies fresh from the garden.

    1. Thank you, Saara! You are right. Fresh from the garden is wonderful. I admire that you try to plan for a long harvest. I tend to plant 3 times. Once as early as possible for onions and peas and potatoes, next, the things that won't stand frost, and then in August I might put in a few turnips and cole crops for the fall.

  2. Oh yum! I wish. I had had to leave my garden behind and how I miss it.

    1. Yes, I know, and you're gardening journey has always been an inspiration to me. You'll be back with a garden before you know it!

  3. I love sugar snap peas. I remember when i used to just eat them out of your garden.
    I love zucchinni. i haven't had any in FOREVER. i wish i could have some. Your harvest sounds like you could turn it into a DELiCIOUS meal. :D

    1. Maybe your mom could find some zucchini at a Farmer's Market. I wish you could have some too, from my garden. Next year you can!

  4. Oh! My! Your hands are full.


