Saturday, July 7, 2012

WHY do we "snap" green beans?

I was thinking... when I cook fresh green beans for us, all I do is cut or snap off the stem ends, and steam the rest without breaking them into pieces.  They look much prettier on the plate and it saves considerable time... so, why do I need to snap them into pieces to can them?  I rebelled today!  I just stuffed the jars as full as I could and only removed the stem ends.  Maybe this will save you some time too!


  1. Why did it take you 30+ years to have this epiphany??? Whyyyyyyyyyy!!! Oooh, the dreaded bean snapping... I think the task was probably invented as a punishment for children.

    1. Actually, Lydia, I was thinking along the same lines... I wonder if it would have changed our family dynamics if I had tried this sooner. ;) "Let us oft snap green beans, with each other..."

  2. My aunt always did this (30 years ago - too bad I didn't know to tell you then)! It keeps more flavor in them, too.

    1. Oh, that's nice to know! It will be fun to try them out this winter. :)

  3. They look so nice. My beans are just starting, I am going to do this with mine. I have always dreaded snapping the beans! Thanks for the new idea!

    1. Thank you, and you're very welcome! I hope it works out well for you! Please let me know.

  4. I think they were snapped because it would look like there were more beans in the soup. The days of the depression

  5. They were snapped to remove the string

    1. That makes sense. I suppose that's how it started Now we snap all of them whether they have strings or not and that takes a lot of time!
