Saturday, August 4, 2012

Freeze Sweet Corn the Easy Way!

The traditional way of freezing corn-on-the-cob is to take off the shucks, silks and stalks, blanch the cobs in boiling water, cool them in ice water and then pack them into freezer bags.  That works.  It is OK only.  I have a better way... :)

Take off just a few of the husks.  Carefully peel back the remaining husks and remove the silks.  Replace the husks and pack your cobs in freezer bags.  Freeze.  That's it!

When you get these out of the freezer to serve for Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner, just take off the husks, boil them for a few minutes and enjoy!  You will find that these taste better and are less watery.  Enjoy!

It really works and also appeals to my lazy side saves time and money.

This post is linked up at Fantabulous Friday.  
Also at Traditional Tuesday!


  1. This is a great time saving tip. Thanks for sharing.


  2. Great idea! How did you figure that out?

  3. Awesome! I'm waiting for my corn to come in. Just hoping that I got rid of these stupid beetle bugs that started attacking it. I hope to have atleast 2 dozen ears out of my raised beds :) I keep my blog updated periodically with results from my garden. I've expanded my canning this year :)

    1. Yes it is! I'm so glad I found your blog! I picked 30-40 ears on Sat. Some I'm going to eat fresh, some i'm going to scrap off and either can or freeze the rest will be frozen in the husks.. Can't wait!

  4. Hello Yolanda,

    I wrote a comment last night but do not see it here.
    Anyway, this is a great idea, now I need a freezer :).

    I guess you can cook the corn with the husk in as we do. I also freeze just the husk to use later for tamales. After defrosting they are placed in warm water to soften and make pliable.

    Happy day!


    PS. by the way, I have a hard time with your comments security word to prove that I am not a robot.

    1. Mely, I'm sorry it's hard to get through the security. :( I have never made tamales yet, but I want to. The flour corn is looking good this year. I will save some husks and give it a try!

  5. Are you saying to boil corn with husk on ( after taking the silk off ) to blanch 4 to 5 mins., then the normal procedure ,iced pat dry , pack into freezer bags while taking the air out of the bags,?

    1. No, just pull back the husks carefully, remove the silks, replace the husks, pack into freezer bags and freeze. No boiling or anything like that. I hope this clarifies it for you!
