Friday, September 21, 2012

40 # of onions

 A few weeks ago, I dug all of our onions and used the greenhouse benches as a place to dry them.  It worked out very well. The weather this year was very hard on the onions.  After a couple of days drying, I braided them all with some baling twine and hung them in the house.  They weighed in at 40#... but probably about 1/3 of them promptly spoiled because of how hot the summer had been.  The rest I've been using up as quickly as possible so they don't go to waste.  Maybe next year will be better!
 Anyway, I wanted to show you.  I think they are magnificent!  :)


  1. That's too bad that you lost 1/3 of them! Where will you keep them after they are dried?

  2. I've used about half of what was left, and the others still hang on the side of my china hutch, right next to the kitchen. :)

  3. They are pretty. I thought I had grown a bunch but I never realized how many we use. Next year we will devote a lot more space to onions and garlic.

    1. Thank you. I think I planted about 3# of onion sets this spring.
