Thursday, September 27, 2012

I am not a quilter...

Our youngest son recently got married.  I started a "crazy" quilt for them in June and Finally Got It Finished! I don't have any way to hang it up to show the whole thing at once, so I just draped it over our bed.

The top is pieced out of bits and odds and ends that I had collected from other projects through the years plus a few small pieces I had purchased in a bundle from quite a while ago.  I was able to make the bias binding out of just one yard of fabric, using this tutorial.

There are 64 blocks, all sewn onto 10.5 inch squares of muslin fabric.  After making each block, I used decorative stitching to secure between each little piece. It makes it more sturdy and also makes it prettier!  The final dimensions are 80 inches by 80 inches.

The batting is a cotton batting that I bought, by-the-yard at a fabric store.

The backing is a piece of bleached muslin that is wide enough (well over 100 inches) to cover the back in one piece.  That was nice.

After it was all put together, I used a little thing on my machine that makes a small heart, to tack the layers together.

I will be mailing it to them next week.  I hope they will be pleased.  It certainly was fun to make.  When I began, since I am NOT a quilter, I somehow thought that making a crazy quilt would be easier and faster than making a quilt from a pattern.  Note to self:  You were wrong.  :)

This post is linked to Simple Lives Thursday #115 ~! and... Fantabulous Friday #32 
AND WIP Wednesday! Also... Homemade Monday #6


  1. It's good that you tell us you are no quilter, since after looking at that well-made, fun and BIG quilt I would have mistaken you for one. Great job! ;)

    -says someone whose quilter's career has progressed to the point where all the necessary materials are in the house but there are no plans to start a quilt...-

    1. Thank you, Saara! I am sure that one day the "quilt bug" will bite you too. :) How nice that you have everything ready!

  2. How wow! That is beautiful! So much work! I am sure that Mark and Beth will be thrilled. Beth likes to do 9 patch quilts so I know she will appreciate it!

  3. I think you can call yourself a quilter now!! That is GORGEOUS. I adore all the colors and the extra stitching on top is just icing on the cake! I do call myself a quilter, but I have yet to take on a crazy quilt :) I consider them a lot of work.

    1. I'm glad you like it! I have sent it off now, and am awaiting the verdict. Yes. It was a lot of work. I had No Idea. But it was also lots of fun. :D

  4. What a fun bit of your quilting journey! Thanks for linking up to wip Wednesday where I've had the pleasure of guest-hosting this week!

  5. What a beautiful quilt! I'm sure it represents eight jillion hours of work, with love in every stitch. They'll treasure it forever! :)

    1. Thank you! I figured it was about 150 hours, actually. They are very happy with it. :)

    2. You did a beautiful job and am sure your children will absolutely love your quilt. My own sons want more! but one said, 'it's like knowing how deeply you love me, mom, whenever I use it.' Am sure your own son will feel the same. :)

    3. They do seem to like it very much. :)
