Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Make Your Own "Crushed Red Pepper"

I had several nice Jalepeno peppers that I needed to use up.  Most of them had matured and turned red.  I decided to just slice and dehydrate them and then chop them up in the little electric coffee grinder spice grinder.  Here they are dried.  I think they are kind of pretty!

 Just a quick moment or two in the spice grinder and it was done!

I gingerly tasted a little pinch.  Nicely hot, but not overwhelming!  I'm glad I tried this.  It was a good call.

This gives me a charming little item to experiment with in my cooking. Actually, I think this would be a good thing to do with ANY peppers you might have on hand.  I can envision a whole array of lovely spices made this way.  :D

This post is linked to "Traditional Tuesday." 


  1. What a great idea. My hubby loves crushed red pepper, but I never even thought to make my own. Now I want to try it.

    1. It was SO easy. It had never occurred to me before last night that I could actually make some of my own spices. I had dried several herbs recently and that got me to thinking... let me know how it turns out for you! Of course, the peppers you buy are cayenne peppers, but you can use any sort you like!

  2. You just proved that you can make anything, seriously.

    1. Somebody, somewhere, figured it out so why not us ordinary folks? It really is good. You could do it with purchased Jalapenos also, I'm sure. :)
