Thursday, October 18, 2012

Do you like persimmons?

About 12 years ago, a friend gave us some seeds from his persimmon trees.  Persimmons are native to Indiana (where we live) and require no spraying.  They don't have any pests.  You can buy huge persimmons in some grocery stores, but the ones that grow here naturally are different.  This particular variety makes nice big fruit, as you can see from the picture.  Our first persimmon fruit appeared 2 years ago.  Now the trees (3) have "several" fruits and I go out every day and shake the trees to see if any ripe ones will fall off.  You must never "pick" persimmons.  They will be extremely bitter!  Wait until they fall off the tree.

My point?  I am carefully saving all of the seeds from our persimmons and will be offering them to you, free for an SASE, just like I did with the garlic seeds.  I will send you 4 seeds (as long as they last.)  If you get some, take them out and plant them in a little nursery row in a nice, fertile location.  After a couple of years, then transplant them to their permanent location.  It is easy to do.  Just keep them nicely mulched and fed.  That is how we started ours.
These persimmons are incredibly sweet.  I just eat them out of hand.  Oh, YUM.  :D

This post is linked to Fantabulous Friday #35


  1. Lucky! Our persimmon tree died. It grew the same persimmons that you have. We didn't wait until they fell off of the tree. We would wait until they started feeling soft and then pick them before they were super ripe. We would cut them in wedges and eat them. They were sweet and yummy.

    1. That's very sad that it died! :( Interesting about picking them. If mine aren't totally dead ripe, it's like eating alum.

  2. Maybe I will live somewhere that I can plant some some day. I don't want to always be moving.

  3. There must be many varieties of persimmons, because the kind I love are the same shape as yours, but they are a dark, bright, shiny orange... and I eat them crunchy. The are also bigger... I wonder if they are in season now. The absolute best ever were in Taiwan, they were HUGE and soooooo flavorful! I ate a lot of fruit there...

    However, I have experienced the bitter issue when I've bought them at the store.

    1. Interesting! There is a persimmon tree down the road from us, in "sort of" a wild area. I always stop on my walks and check for fruit this time of year. They are nice, but ours are much nicer. In Taiwan, did you buy those at a store?
