Thursday, October 4, 2012

The easiest bread I ever made ~ Chapter 3

Here is my third loaf of no - knead sourdough crock pot rye bread.  I like this one even better than the first two!  My husband even likes it!  I wanted to tell you about the changes I made.  Please go here to see the basic recipe.

Here is how I changed it.

After I got all of the ingredients together, I added more rye flour, a little at a time, until the dough was as stiff as one would make it if you were going to knead it.  The previous renditions made a very moist dough.  So, when I got done, it was fairly stiff. 

In the morning, I buttered the little crock pot thoroughly, and just dumped the dough in there without any shaping, put on the lid, set it on "high" and let it bake for 2 hours.  Then I took it out and let it cool.



  1. Replies
    1. It really is very nice bread. Of course, I LOVE sourdough rye bread with caraway seeds. I hope you get a chance to try it sometime.

  2. How did I miss the first post? I love rye bread with caraway seeds. The first time I tried was when we moved to Ohio and since then is my favorite for breakfast. How is the texture like compare to oven bake? I will like to try the recipe.


    1. This bread is very dense, moist and a little chewy. I hope you will like it, Mely!

  3. Hello,
    Can you recommend a good crock pot?

    1. The crock pots I have were all purchased at a thrift store. I just now looked on and what I see there, after reading the reviews, I would recommend this one:

      If you would like a bigger one, then if it were me, I'd try this:

      eBay has quite a few for sale, and many are the vintage ones like mine. They are at a good price, HOWEVER, the shipping is expensive.

      I hope you can find something suitable for you! I do NOT recommend the newer styles. Not that I've had lots of experience with them, but two of our children have had one and say they tend to get too hot for true slow cooking. Rival introduced their Crock Pots the year I got married! I don't remember when I got my first one, but I know I loved it! In those days, the crock did not come out for washing like they do now.

  4. This is such a great blog!!! Really makes me hungry just reading and looking at the pictures : ) I recently baked my first loaf of bread and it was incredible!!! I used a starter my friend told me about. It's from Sourdough's International and now I have to spread the word! I loved it. Definitely going to order more when it comes the time.

    1. Thank you for your kind words... and I'm SO glad to know you like the bread!!
