Monday, November 12, 2012

I don't understand this sauerkraut!

Normally, sauerkraut can take quite a while to ferment.  Something was different this time.  I know I made it a little differently, but it was just a matter of a few days before it got done.  The way to tell if it's done is to taste it, and if it tastes like sauerkraut, it is done!

I used a "Pikl-it" jar, which is very handy, but it can be done other ways, too.  I had a rather large head of green cabbage, so I shredded it in the food processor, put it all in a stainless bowl and added 3 Tablespoons of sea salt.

Next I mixed it up with my hands and then let it sit and wilt for 30 minutes.  Normally, at this point, people "pound" the kraut to get the juices flowing.  I didn't do that.  Instead, I just kept squishing it with my hands until it was nice and juicy.

Then I packed it in the jar, put on the lid, added the water to the airlock and let it sit on the counter.  It was done in about 4 days!  Oh, and I also added a couple of Tablespoons of  Carraway seeds.  It really added a nice flavor.  This will keep for a long time in the refrigerator and is rich in lacto-bacteria and enzymes and such.  I love sauerkraut.  Fortunately, my DH doesn't.  ;)

This post is linked to Traditional Tuesday #27 and Simple Lives Thursday #122


  1. That's awesome! I love sauerkraut too. I should try making it. I sounds super easy. Where did you get your jar?

    By the way, I really like your new background. Simple and doesn't take the focus away from the rest of the blog.

  2. Tootle for pikl-it jars. They have an official website. I am glad you like the background! :)

  3. I need one of those jars. The last two times I have tried to make kraut it went bad. Don't know what I am doing wrong. This last batch ended up with fruit flies laying eggs in it. Nasty!!!

    1. Ewww... Some people use "fido" jars instead. They are exactly the same, except no airlock, but the excess pressure leaks out through the rubber gasket. They are MUCH less expensive. Here is a link:

  4. Thanks! Are the fido jars as safe? Pressure wise?
