Friday, December 7, 2012

I sew for a living.

A neighbor is taking Square Dance lessons.  Tomorrow is their "graduation" and she needed a skirt for the occasion, so she hired me to make it for her.  I just got it done in the nick of time.  The fabric we ordered didn't come until yesterday!  I am happy how it turned out, so I thought I'd show you.
...and here is the pattern we used.  This, as you see, is for a dress, so all I had to do was invent a waistband, insert a zipper and add a button and voila!  A skirt!
It is important for the waistband to be stiff and not fold over, so what I did was insert a piece of 1-inch wide non-roll elastic.  That worked very well.  I think she will be pleased.  :)


  1. it looks really pretty and I think you did great, just getting the fabric yesterday? I've done similar things and why I almost always say NO anymore when asked to do jobs like this.
    but your skirt looks so happy, maybe I will reconsider the next time.

    1. Thank you! I only say yes when I have the time to do it. It all worked out just right.

  2. What a pretty skirt! I have made a few skirts, long ago, maybe I'll start sewing again after seeing your work :)
    Greetings from The Netherlands,

    1. Hello Thara! I'm glad you like my skirt. Let me know if you make another one, please!

  3. Nice, I'm glad you were able to finish it on time!

  4. I think she'll be pleased too! Looks great. :-) And by the way, thanks for stopping in at Cranberry Morning. I bet the perimeter running is great for your Border Collie! Does it traumatize the goats? I'm always wondering if we dare to get chickens (or goats, for that matter) or our GSD would drive them to an early death. (even if they're penned). Any thoughts on that?

    1. The goats seem to "enjoy" it actually, of course, the collie can't actually get to them. They kind of try to butt him through the fence and he growls and gets all excited, but no one is hurt. As far as the chickens, your dog would run the pen, but if it were large enough, it really shouldn't be a problem. I once had a new dog, a young stray that we took in. While we were gone at Church, she killed a couple of my free range chickens. :( I couldn't pen the chickens, and I didn't want to get rid of our dog (she was sweet, really)... I picked up one of the dead chickens and beat her with it (no injuries, mind you) and screamed and yelled at her. After that, I didn't even let her LOOK at the chickens. She never did it again. What a good dog she was. She lived to be 15 years old. I still miss her.

  5. It's really pretty! I love it.

  6. When I was a little girl my folks square danced and I always loved watching it. I didnt realize folks still did it. Hubs and I should do that for exercise.

    1. Oh yes! There's a whole square dancing world out there! :)

  7. Reminds me of the wild washer women skirts that my sisters used to wear growing up! Good memories...

    1. That's nice, April... thanks for all the comments. I LOVE comments!
