Friday, January 4, 2013

At the end of a good day...

I love it when I have a day that seems relaxed and yet I get several things accomplished.  Early this morning, I started a batch of whole wheat sourdough bread.  It was finished and out of the oven about 6 p.m. and here it is on a cooling rack covered with a dish towel.  There was just something comforting about the sight (not to mention the aroma.)  Today I also made some beef shank and vegetable soup, did a bit of cleaning and lots of laundry.  I wish you could smell this wonderful bread.  We had it, slathered with butter and served beside the soup for dinner tonight.


  1. There is much joy in the aroma of bread baking, I get great joy from it as well...and you mix that in with homemade soup....a dinner straight from heaven to be sure, and tantalize all the senses....

  2. The soup and the bread sound wonderful! I love fresh bread with butter. Yummmm....

    1. Maybe you can splurge sometime and actually have a piece of homemade bread and butter. After being Paleo forever, that would be an awesome treat!
