Thursday, January 24, 2013

Hey, Baby, It's Cold Outside!!

Finally!  Some Real Winter Weather!  Last winter was extremely mild, and although pleasant, we paid for it all summer of 2012 with increased numbers of noxious insects, like ticks and soft scale on the Tulip Trees.  The scale was so severe that I couldn't even hang my laundry out to dry because it would get sticky!  But TODAY.... YAY.  Above, you can see my wood-powered clothes dryer.  I love it.

It also provides a very nice place to let my sourdough bread raise...rise.  Which is it?

It's only about 17 degrees outside this morning.  That's not too bad, actually.  I remember once, in December, when our children were all young, and it was 28 degrees below zero one morning.  I wouldn't let them help me haul wood in.  I was afraid they would freeze their toes and fingers!  I heated bricks on the wood stove, wrapped them up in towels and wrapped the children up in blankets with the bricks at their feet.  They sat there all day watching television, which to them, was Heaven, as I didn't allow much of that.  The dog's water bowl froze in the kitchen.

I know some of you have seen worse than that.  Please stay warm and safe this winter!


  1. It has been cold here also, this morning was a little warmer only -2. We had the same wood stove when we lived in northern Wisconsin. Miss it! Stay warm.

    1. Northern Wisconsin! Brrrr....!!! I do love our wood stove.

  2. I miss the wood stove... I miss home...

    1. We miss you too. Hey, when I went to bake the bread, there was a little kitty paw print in one of the loaves. :)

  3. I miss having a wood stove too. You're is really nice, probably the nicest I've ever seen. It heats so well!

    1. It is really nice. I think it's pretty and the soapstone holds heat so well.

  4. Cold up here in Michigan too! It is always a good thing to take advantage of all that nice ambient heat. Clever! As far as rise or raise goes, I may be wrong, but when you look them both up in the dictionary they share many of the same meanings and it seems can also be used in the same tense so either would appear to be correct. It really does not matter anyway, we all figured out what you were saying either way. ;). Stay cozy and post more pictures of your quilt as you get it done.
