Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Something a little different...

Do you see this rather strange item?  It was an experiment.  When I got it done, and showed it to friends, they would ask, "What is it for?  What will you do with it?"  I didn't know...  It sat around here for a number of days and then I thought it might make an acceptable "doily" under this picture:
That is an old photograph of my father and his father.  Although the frame looks old, it isn't.  I bought it on sale at Kohl's a few years ago.  It is perfect for this old photo, which would have been taken about 1912.  I really like how it looks here.  It just looks old and tattered and somehow... well, there's no accounting for tastes, as they say.  Now I will sort of tell you how I made it.  Aren't you excited??  ;)

I started out with a piece of white muslin.  See, here is the back of it.  I randomly placed several (maybe 4)  overlapping layers of differently-sized pieces of cotton print scraps of fabric on top of the muslin.  Then, on top of that I put the olive colored print that you can see in the top picture better if you "click" on it.  Next, I pinned it all together in several places and took it to the sewing machine where I stitched it around and around beginning in the center and using the side of the pressure foot as a guide.
When that was done, I used a sharp pair of scissors to cut in between the stitching round and round.  That was a little fiddly, but my scissors were a bit large for the task.  I have since purchased a smaller pair for my next project of this nature.  (I have ideas.:)  Finally, I put it through the washer and dryer, so it would fray.

Here is a close-up view.  You can see the small amount of embroidery I did on it.
At the center, you can see the white muslin peaking through and the layers of fabrics.
Well, anyway, I like it, and on this snowy winter day, enjoyed showing you.

God bless!

This post is linked to WIP Wednesday and Simple Lives Thursday


  1. I really like the way it turned out. So homespun, yet edgy and artsy. Great experiment!

  2. Hi! That looks exiting and interesting! Thank you for a great idea and inspiration! Happy New Year from Greece! x Teje

    1. Thank you very much and Happy New Year to you too!

  3. I love crafts that use scraps and recycled fabrics!
    I would love to have you share your posts on The HomeAcre Hop!

    1. :D I tried, but I can't get the Linky to work!

    2. I'm glad you were able to get through! There were a few problems yesterday...but it seems to be working better now. Thanks for your patience! and thanks for linking up!

  4. I love this! There is a technique called stitch and slash or something like that I've seen the class on craftsy. It sounds like what you are doing. I am going to try it - looks like fun. Thanks for sharing:-)

    1. I would love to hear about or see your projects!

  5. Where did you get the idea for that? My brain just doesn't work that way. I LOVE that picture. (:

    1. Craftsy offers a class where they do all kinds of fancy stuff like this. I don't want to pay for the class so I was figuring it out on my own. :)

  6. Just saw this on Pinterest. Cute! I think it would be great as a throw pillow top. You've got me thinkin' now. :)
