Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Faux Chenille Baby Blanket #2

A friend will soon be having her first baby.  A boy! (Can you believe I used to teach her Sunday School class?  Where did the time go??)  Just over a year ago, I made my first Faux Chenille Baby Blanket , and although I've not yet given that one away, it is pink. I already had the fabrics on hand to make a blue one, so, here it is.

The top fabric, before cutting looks like this.  Each two little squares measure 3 mm apart.  That is just over 3/8 of an inch.  This time, I only used 3 layers of fabric, instead of 4, and sewed on every other dark line.  On the pink blanket, the stitching lines were 1 inch apart.  For that reason, I only used the 3 layers of fabric, since this one is stitched much more closely.

Here is the backing fabric, and you can see the stitching lines.

Here is a close-up view of the bound edge.

If you would like to learn how to do make one of these, please see the tutorial linked above from when I made the pink blanket.

I have some pieces of fabric left.  I think I'll make some burp cloths for her from those.

This post is linked to WIP Wednesday


  1. Awww...the back fabric is so cute! I love the little bear. Is that flannel? The blanket looks really nice. Does it really feel like chenille?

    1. :) Yes, it is flannel. No, it more looks like chenille, as the pile on chenille is smaller, but it does make a nice, cuddly blanket and looks very pretty.

  2. That's nice! They really are pretty neat.
