Sunday, February 24, 2013

Himmel und Erde

This is not a new recipe, but it is new to me.  My sister told me about it. 

What you do is take equal portions of coarsely chopped onions, apples, and cabbage and cook them together.  You can roast them in the oven, but I cooked mine in a cast iron skillet with butter until everything was getting almost tender.  I didn't want it mushy, so stopped short of completely tender.

Then all you do is salt and pepper to taste, mix some olive oil and a good vinegar in equal proportions and mix some of that in it, to taste.  This is surprisingly good!  

Here it is after it was cooked:

And here is my dinner.  I ate it with bacon wrapped oysters.

There was plenty leftover, so the next day I served it over brown rice with some Tamari.  Enjoy!

Oh, by the way, Himmel und Erde means, "Heaven and Earth."  I don't know why it's called that.

This post is linked to the Clever Chicks Blog Hop!


  1. You're getting fancy with the bacon wrapped oysters! I'll have to try that. I have a cabbage in my fridge right now.

  2. I have never heard of this but I think it would make a lovely side dish - economical too. Thank you for sharing! I'm a new follower from the Clever Chicks. WOuld love for you to come by and check out my blog as well!

  3. The recipe looks really tasty and uses vegetables and fruit that we always have on hand. We will be making it here very soon - thanks!
