Friday, March 29, 2013

Fun in the goat barn!

In the second film, at the end, you will see "Badger," our Border Collie run by.  As you probably know, Border Collies are sheep dogs - herd dogs.  Badger's purpose in life has become running around and around the goat pen.  He is SO muddy this time of year.  The sad thing is, he hates being muddy, and tries, at first, to avoid it, but then his nature takes over and he loses it!  Every. Day.

We do love our goats.  They are so sweet and personable.  We also love the milk.


  1. Oh my goodness they are So Adorable! What fun you must be having with them :-)

    1. Yes, we are. I just refuse to think about the fact that they will be leaving before too long. :( Haven't named them for that reason. SO SWEET!

  2. Aaaaw, so sweet! I particularly like the one who's black in front and white in back. Have they all been re-homed now?

    1. Yes. Beth bought the two with the most white on them and another lady bought the other two. I never named them, because I knew they had to leave. :(
