Sunday, March 17, 2013

My husband is so smart...

A dear friend recently bought a "Henry Milker" for milking her goats.  I admired it and so my sweet husband read up on it, watched some YouTube videos about similar things and fabricated one himself for a lot less money.  He's amazing!  The next plan is to buy an old refrigerator compressor and set us up so we can do it with electricity.  We have always milked by hand, and I really enjoy that, but I have arthritis in my hands, and also our current does are difficult to milk, because their faucets are unusually small.  So, this will be a blessing.  I'm so proud of him.

This post is linked to the Clever Chicks Blog Hop!


  1. You are lucky to have a do-it-yourself husband. While I love my sweetie, he is not handy around the house. Better give that boy a big hug! :)
