Monday, July 22, 2013

Spanish Musica pole beans...

Thanks to Wardeh from Gnowfglins, a couple of years ago I started growing  Spanish Musica pole beans.   I love these beans!  They are extremely productive.  I have just 4 bean towers devoted to them, and today, at the first picking, I have enough beans to can about 25 quarts.  Amazing!  They never get stringy, no matter how big they are.  They taste so nice and will continue to produce for a long time yet.  I have a feeling I'll be doing a lot of sharing this year.  They can also be used as a shell-out bean, and I save my own seed now, as this is an heirloom variety.  Here are a few picture so you can see what they are like in my garden.


  1. They look. So nice. I planted scarlet runner pole beans for the first time this year. Got the seeds from a lady. They have blossoms but still not seeing any beans waiting to see what happens.

    1. Thank you! I love the scarlet runners because the blossoms are so pretty! Don't worry. Beans are self-pollinating. They don't have to wait for the bees.

  2. I'm going to have to grow these next year! I want to build a "been house" to grow them on.... :)

    1. That will fun and shady! And you can go in there to pick most of the beans. :)

  3. Those are awesome! I'll be avoiding your house this summer, so that I won't get pulled into snapping beans. Unless, of course, you want to make me some pudding popsicles.

    1. You're safe this year. I'm done canning beans. But I would be happy to make the pudding popsicles.

  4. They look wonderful! Where did you originally get the seeds?

    I was excited to get a good crop of my green beans this year. We are having them tonight in a one pot meal that includes potatoes from my garden and ham along with cornbread. Yum!

    1. I'll be right over... ;) If you click on the name of the beans at the beginning of this post, it will take you to where I bought them.
