Monday, August 5, 2013

A good productive day!

You know how it is... some days the whole day goes by and it seems as if I didn't accomplish one thing!  Today was NOT like that.  Today was a good day.

 I braided the onions

Picked 5 dozen ears of bi-color sweet corn and canned it.

Picked a peck of tomatoes and made them into juice and canned it.

Hung the garlic up to dry.

I love days like this.


  1. Wow! You were busy! I bet you're tired.

  2. Everything looks so good. A very productive day. My tomatoes are just starting to show some color on a few of them. Shouldn't be to much longer and I will be able to start canning them.

    1. Thank you, Cheryl. Good luck with your tomatoes!
