Saturday, August 24, 2013

A wonderful trip!

I returned last night from a trip to visit family.  Our youngest son and his wife were sealed for time and all eternity in the Idaho Falls Temple.  I was so happy to be there with them.  Our oldest daughter attended as well.  I also got to visit for a couple of days with our middle son.  It was great to see family, and I am also very happy to Be Home. "There's no place like home!"

Middle son and his wife and family:

Me and son and his family at the base of the Christus statue in the visitor center at Temple Square in Salt Lake City:

Me, our youngest son, and his wife outside the Idaho Falls Temple before their marriage sealing:

Me, our oldest daughter, youngest son, his wife and her parents after the sealing.  This was a glorious occasion for our families.

The evening I arrived, they took me to Outback Steak House for supper.  Nice.