Thursday, November 14, 2013

Un - Paper Towels

Here is a humble little project that pleased my frugal heart immensely.  I cleaned my laundry room today.  I don't do it very (cough) often.  I found a plastic bag full of kitchen towels that I had quit using because the kitchen drawer was too full of them when I was given some new ones.  The old ones are faded and stained, but still quite useable, so I couldn't bring myself to throw them away, and they really weren't nice enough to even donate.  I think they've been awaiting their destiny in there for a couple of years.

I have paper towels, but every time I use one I feel a little "guilty."  It's like throwing pennies in the trash.  Somehow it just doesn't seem right.

Here is what I did.  I cut the hems off of the old towels on all four sides and then cut each towel in half, zig-zagged the raw edges and voila!  Un-paper towels.  They will live in this little basket in the cupboard under our kitchen sink.  I'm sure there will be some times I will still use "real" paper towels, but most of the time will opt for the washable ones.

Oh, yes, here is my clean laundry room. :)


  1. Good idea! I also use them on the wet jet style they are stained etc, and perfect for floor use!


  2. Yes, what a great idea. It doesn't matter what we use if we are going to throw it away (we save the cotton socks, cut open/flat for throwing away) but I really like this idea for those spills that happen all the time!

    1. That is a great tip! There are a few things (mainly pet related) when I would never want to actually WASH the item I used to clean it up. Having a small stash of things I could just throw away for those times would eliminate my need for paper towels almost all together!

  3. That's a great idea! We have a lot of "rags" that we use for odd-jobs, but I still use a lot of paper towels too. And I know what you mean about feeling like you're throwing pennies in the trash.

    1. I have the same problem with zippy bags, and do wash the bigger ones but always feel guilty when I throw away the sandwich size. :)

  4. I am very happy to know all this . because this ideas very helpful for us. and very nice great ideas! I could just throw away for those time would eliminate my need for paper towels almost all together!

  5. if we must buy paper towels I ordered mine from Amazon the brown they also have white used in cafeterias etc they a thick and last longer..I use them for draining foods on and use cloth wash rags for dish rags when they get knarly I also buy toilet paper from them not very soft remember school toilet paper but it last longer
