Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Yummy Cranberry Relish !

My sister made this wonderful cranberry relish.  I am going to be roasting a turkey that I bought at a very low price recently, so I made some of this relish today.  She uses 3/4 cup of sugar, and that seems like a lot, although it was awfully good, so I decided to play around with the amount.  Now, if you make this, add your sugar gradually and taste the relish, because some oranges are sweeter than others, and of course, your preference may be much different than mine.

Cranberry Relish

1 whole orange, including skin, but not the seeds, cut into 12 pieces.
1 bag of fresh cranberries

Process all of this in a food processor.
Begin adding sugar and stirring well, tasting as you go.

I ended up using 1/2 cup of sugar.

This is really good on it's own, and also nice in a jello salad.


  1. Cranberries are a favorite of mine, this relish is so good. The fact that it is so easy to make, is simply a bonus.
