Friday, February 27, 2015

Just in case you are wondering...

Our new trailer house, you might recall, was delivered some time ago.  It is set up and tied down, but that is all.  We are patiently waiting for the utilities to be hooked up, for the skirting to be put on, and for the final cleaning and inspection.  It looks very nice sitting out there, but is cold and bleak inside!  Here is a view of the kitchen from the front door entrance.  The green things on the floor on the left are a couple of shutters that will be put up.  The floor is all vinyl, throughout, which I requested.  I don't like taking care of carpets.  It looks so much like wood.  I am very pleased!  We have the components to make a 5-foot "island" with a bar on one side where we can sit on stools and eat, if we wish. The other side has cabinets and drawers.  This is taking a lot longer than we thought it would, but it doesn't matter, really.  Hopefully, the weather will be a lot nicer when we do actually move in.


  1. Thank you for the update, I have been wondering how you were doing and the progress. I will enjoy seeing your new home, once you have moved in. Take care.

  2. I am sure you will have it cosied up in no time! Angela

  3. Looks like a beautiful home and soon you will fill the cool and bleak with warmth and love!'

    1. How kind. This will be quite a change and adventure!
