Saturday, April 11, 2015

We have a new milk goat!

A year ago last October, my DH had to have open heart surgery.  I knew I would be at the hospital for several days and would be very busy caring for him when we came home.  We had two milking does at the time.  I had to sell them.  Today, we went and bought a nice milking doe for me!  She is an American Alpine, 3 years old and this is her second freshening. I am SO happy! 
Here she is eating a little hay:
The chickens are thrilled.  Not.  She will be living with the chickens.  :)
Our border collie, Badger, thinks we brought the goat just for him.
Her official name is "Ensel."  I might change that.  Any suggestions?


  1. We had a milk goat when I was young, but for some reason today I don't care for goat's milk or cheese. Your goat looks gentle, the chickens will come around.

    1. Melynda, if you like milk in general, you might be surprised how wonderful the milk from this doe is. I used to make cheese all the time. It wasn't typical "goat cheese." It was a farmhouse cheddar. Everyone is getting along fine now.

  2. That's so awesome! Eva is really excited that you have a goat now. She wants to feed it/milk it when she comes to visit this summer.

  3. How nice. My oldest girl has goats and so far sells the milk to a woman who makes soap.

    Well, first off, Ensel is a boy's name. You could call her Ensli sounds like a Swiss name, though I've never heard it used before.

    1. That is interesting, because I said right off the name just didn't sound feminine to me. Thank you for the suggestion. I've already renamed her "Heidi." Now, isn't that original! :)

    2. Well, I'm Swiss (American) so I think Heidi is a great name!
