Thursday, June 4, 2015

Some pictures from today...

I spent 7 hours yesterday and 2 hours today fighting weeds and fertilizing our vegetable garden.  I'm all caught up, now, and just waiting for the next rain.  We need rain.  Then I'll start all over again!

Here is Heidi and the chickens.  I take Heidi out once a day so she can munch on green things.  It takes about 20 minutes for her to get a tummy full.  :)

See that big black thing there?  We got a heat pump!  It's really nice.  I've never lived with central air conditioning before.  I feel quite spoiled now.

Here is where I milk Heidi - 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.

The milking stand is inside of this structure.  My husband made it for a hay shed.  Now that we only have one goat, we have more room for other things.

The front of our trailer.  The skirting is not on yet because my husband is still working on plumbing and electric projects to make it nicer for us. I really love our new house.

I let some dandelions grow and thrive in the vegetable garden.  I like to use the leaves in my egg noodles.

So, that's what is happening here right now.


  1. Your garden looks wonderful, and your home is coming along nicely!

    1. Thank you, Melynda. It looks so nice now. Just wait until later in the year when the weeds win! They always win. I think it's some kind of rule. ;)

    2. I'm looking at your house and thinking...there's no basement! Where do you go if there's a tornado?? You've got me worried now.

    3. I know, Athansia. We didn't have a basement in the old house either. I still want to put in a storm cellar, of course, but that always seems to be last on the list. :( I really don't know what we'll do if there is a tornado warning. It is scary.

    4. Hopefully you will find a solution. Maybe the internet has some ideas.

  2. Your garden looks beautiful. I have a small raised garden. We are working on a chicken enclosure, yours look nice. Im so happy for your new house.
    I made a milk hut just like yours but we kept the tarp up for circulation, mainly needed it for the shade. I miss Oklahoma.
    It was good to hear from you.

    1. Thank you Debbieo! As a matter of fact, I kind of think we got the shed idea from you! I am sorry you miss Oklahoma. I hope all is well with you and your family.

  3. Your garden is lovely! We have had a little break in the rain around here the last two days. My garden is a little behind we have had to much rain! Hope you get rain soon.

    1. Thank you, Cheryl. Yes, we've had rain. Still fighting weeds!
