Saturday, July 18, 2015

Raisin Bread!

Have you ever made raisin bread?  Well, if not, and you like to make bread, then you are all set.... assuming you also like raisins.  ;)

Just make whatever bread dough you prefer.  This batch is about 1/4 whole wheat and the rest of the flour is King Arthur's unbleached bread flour - my favorite.

When the bread dough is ready to put in the pans, THEN is the time to add the raisins and cinnamon.  Just roll your loaf of bread dough into a nice rectangle, sprinkle with raisins and a little cinnamon and roll it up tightly and form a loaf.  Very easy.

Here it is baking in the oven.

It just came out of the oven and I brushed the top of the crust with butter.

Here is what it looks like sliced.

Now, can't you just smell the goodness?  It makes fabulous toast for breakfast too, slathered with nice butter.  Oh.... yum.

Unfortunately (?) I made this for a pitch-in lunch after Church tomorrow, so we have to wait.


  1. I do love raisins and make raisin bread. I like raisins in muffins and rice pudding and cookies and turkey stuffing...the only way I don't like them is right out of the box. I guess I like them soft and puffed up.

    1. Oh! Turkey stuffing! That sounds so nice. I doubt my DH would approve of that, but I could set part of the stuffing aside to put raisins in just for me. I love them. "Unfortunately" I also love them right out of the box. I remember a television ad years ago when a boy said that raisins was the only candy his mother would let him have. :) Have you ever had black flame raisins? They are bigger, and reportedly higher in phyto-nutrients. Their flavor is interesting. I haven't been able to find any for a while.

    2. They sell the Black Flame raisins in the bulk food section at the grocer, or at least they did the last time I looked. The bulk food section gets smaller and smaller. They got rid of the vital wheat gluten 2 years ago because to quote the stocker "no one wants gluten anymore". Oh really? 50% of the bulk food is granolas and candies and snack mixes. There is a better grocer that has a really nice bulk food section which we do try to visit when we are that area.

    3. The stuffing is delicious and is a family favorite going years and years back. It is lots of bread cubes. I use one of those enamel mother said it was the old baby bathtub when they were growing up. I saute a large cast iron skillet full of chopped onion, celery, and hard apples, like granny smilth in butter. Cook til soft, stir in much poultry seasoning to taste and the raisins. Sometimes I use regular, sometimes I use golden. Moisten with broth. Fill all available greased bread pans, cover with foil and bake. We take off the foil to crisp the top. We can never have too much stuffing around here.

    4. Thank you so much! It sounds wonderful and I will definitely try this. What a good friend you are, Athanasia.

  2. Oh yum, I love raisin bread!!!
