Monday, September 21, 2015

Maybe I am a Quilter after all...

Three years ago I wrote THIS post, saying that I am not a Quilter....  I've changed my mind.  I think I might be, after all.  A few months ago, I bought this quilt pattern.  I was looking for a Dresden plate pattern because I had purchased a template for making Dresden plate blocks here after watching THIS YouTube video.  She made it look so easy and fun, I had to try it! I didn't want to make a full-sized quilt, really, and so found the one for the baby quilt and then was thinking... who could I make this for?  It just so happens that a young friend is expecting a baby girl at the end of November.  Perfect!  A quilt victim!

Here are some pictures of the little quilt.  It is far from perfect, but I like it anyway.  I hope you, my Gentle Readers, do too.


  1. It is adorable! I believe there's no doubt about ARE a quilter! :)

  2. No I don't like it, I LOVE IT!!!! You're one talented lady!

    1. Awww... thank you! Maybe no so talented, but persistent. :)

  3. Very cute! I love your colors! You look like you are a quilter to me!!!

  4. I will count you in as a quilter. Keep on keeping on. Good work
