Wednesday, October 28, 2015

I need one more biscuit for my Vintage Roll Holder...

I have a awful cold, and so am taking it kind of easy today, and decided to do a little sewing.  I ran across THIS tutorial online to make this "Vintage Rolls Holder."  It has two sets of snaps to hold it open like that and when not in use, you can undo the snaps and the thing lies flat and is easy to store.  It was fun to make.  I am thinking it could be very charming on a Thanksgiving table with rolls in it.  But today I made biscuits and chicken soup with rice because I'm sick. batch of biscuits only made 11.  Sigh.....  ;)
It's not time for dinner, yet, but I think I'll go eat a warm biscuit with butter.


  1. I'm sorry you're sick! :( I've never heard of a fabric roll holder. Interesting.

    1. I never did either until yesterday. Isn't the internet fabulous? Thank you. I'm sure I'll be fine in a few days. Dad bought me some Puffs. I'm good to go.

  2. Being productive even when not feeling well is pretty darn good...and it's cute too! I hope you feel better soon.

    1. thank you kath001. Unless I'm flat out sick, I generally try to keep busy. :)

  3. I hope you feel better soon. Love biscuits. Cute idea!

  4. I hope you feel better soon! I guess, if there is any good time to be sick, this would probably be are past the garden/canning rush and it's not the holiday rush yet. Enjoy your soup and biscuits.

    That looks like a nice little project. How do I find the pattern? It looks like something from the 70's. I still need something for the girls...or my youngest was looking for something to make for the girls also...that would be the married daughter and my daughter in law. We will look into it. Maybe she'll make me one too.

    1. Thank you, Athanasia. I am some better today. Here is where you can find instructions for making this item.

  5. I love it! Thanks for linking up to my tutorial

  6. Thank you for sharing the tutorial. I printed it out and will be making some. One for me and a few for gifts. I'm always looking for small sewing projects I can make to give to friends and relatives.

  7. Nice roll holder and thanks for the tutorial. Hope your better now.
