Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Mystery soup.... ;)

Husband: "What are you making?"

Me: "I don't know."

Husband: "Sounds scary."

I agreed, but was on a mission to cook something nice with what I had that needed using up, like some leftover meatloaf.  I cut it into cubes.

On the left, you can see the meatloaf.  I scrubbed and cubed a nice potato.

...put some good extra-virgin olive oil in my cast iron Dutch oven and sauteed some cut-up red cabbage and a diced onion until the onion was starting to brown, stirring the whole time.

I had about 3 cups of leftover chicken bone broth/stock and poured that into the pan.

Last night I put 1/2 cup of lentils to soak in plenty of cold water.  Here they are, drained and rinsed.  These go into the pot next along with a minced clove of garlic and the potato chunks.

There it is all is together, and I will bring it to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer it, covered, for 30 minutes:

While it was simmering, I cooked 1 cup of "bow-tie" pasta in water and drained it.  Why bow-tie?  Because it's pretty, of course!  :)

After the pasta was cooked and drained, I added it and the cubes of meatloaf to the soup, as well as 1 teaspoon sea salt and a few cranks of black pepper.
Here it is!  It is now in the fridge.  I will reheat if for dinner and serve it with some good homemade bread and butter.  

It tastes wonderful!  Hmmmm...  I just need a good name for it.  Any suggestions?


  1. That's what I just threw into my crockpot. I took leftover meat out of the fridge and added some other stuff. Hopefully it won't be terrible!

    1. You are a good cook. I'm sure it will be delicious. :) If you don't like yours, come here and I'll share. So... is this called "mystery soup?"

  2. Sounds great. Homemade soup is so much better than store bought. I love to make meals with a little of this and that before it goes off. My favorite is stir fry.
    Don't you love your old corningware pans? I sure love mine. I use them
    every day. I have all sizes plus handles, glass kids and plastic ones. My son and I are gluten free and gluten can't hide in these pans no matter what was cooked in it before!

    1. This is the only Corningware dish I have, but I have had it for a very long time. Yes, homemade soup is completely different than store bought. And you're right! You would notice anything sticking to this dish!

  3. In past happy days, we had created a sweet version of the same idea with our dad, which we had named "diverse"... Mmm, not bad at all!

    1. I like that... "Diverse." Sounds perfect. :) What a nice memory for you. My daddy used to make "goulash" from scratch. I only remember that is had beef and noodles and was really yummy. I miss him.

  4. We always refer to these as "deep dark secret" dishes. We'd have a guessing game to see if they could figure out what was in it. Your soup looks delicious.

    Many times as I'm cooking I am not exactly sure what I am making as I am ad lib-ing as I go along with whatever I find in the fridge and freezer and cupboards. So to answer the question as to what's for dinner, the best answer they often get is "food". They ask "what kind of food?" I say "edible". "oh" and they walk away. It's always tasty though and eaten.

    1. Very good.... the kids used to complain when I would tell them what I was making. That was my biggest pet peeve. When my husband retired, I had to get over that. He really wants to know and doesn't complain. Now I answer him. :)
