Friday, February 26, 2016

I bought a new top-whorl spindle...

I just recently purchased a pretty new top whorl spindle at The Woolery in Franklin, Kentucky.  Two weeks ago I learned to use one, and just "had" to have a prettier one.  Here it is with some yarn on it and my wrist distaff that one of our daughters made for me years ago.  It is a sunny day, and I've been sitting inside a sunny window having a wonderful, relaxing afternoon. In my opinion, top whorl spindles are much easier to use than the spindles that have the whorl on the bottom. If you would like to learn to use one, I recommend THIS book.


  1. How nice! What do you do with the yarn you make? Knit, weave? Where do you get wool? Have a nice weekend. Angela

    1. I only weave now... and share with my daughter who knits. I used to knit and crochet, but I damaged my hands by doing too much difficult weeding and have a bit of arthritis now and if I do those things, I get "trigger finger" so had to give them up. I have a rigid heddle loom that I use. This particular wool was given to me by a spinning daughter. Sometimes, I buy some locally. :)

  2. I'm happy you are happy with your new find. Do you spin with your goat's hair?

  3. Thank you. Generally, the only goat hair used to spin with is angora, and I only have a milk goat. She has short, coarse hair.
