Friday, April 8, 2016

Today's Lunch...

I am not certain why, but I decided I would like to show you what I ate for lunch today.  :)

The sandwich you see here is 2 pieces of my "everyday bread" toasted and spread with a little butter.  Then I put on a couple of slices of brie (soft, ripened cheese), 2 slices of braunsweiger, some homemade raw sauerkraut , and some nice, tender chickweed that I went out and picked just for this sandwich.  In the small bowl is some homemade yogurt  topped with lacto-fermented apple chutney.
Oh, my... it was good!

About the chickweed... Now, at least here in Indiana, is a good time to gather chickweed.  It is a wild edible and grows all over the world.  It's very very good for you... better than broccoli or spinach, even.  Here is what Common Chickweed looks like.  Two things to look for - if you look at the stem carefully, you will see a row of tiny hairs going down the stem.  The hairs are ONLY in this row on the stems.  The only look-alike that would be dangerous is the Scarlet Pimpernel, which has redish flowers and the underside of the leaves have brownish spots.  Avoid that.  

If you want to use some, take a pair of scissors and just cut off about an inch of the tops.  The rest of the plant can be rather straw-like.  Bring it in, wash carefully in cold water, then pat dry on a towel.  Use immediately, or keep it in a plastic bag in the refrigerator.  It is a great substitute for lettuce and can be steamed, sauteed, creamed, used in soups, or as a salad on it's own.  It's very mild in flavor and rich in nutrients... and right now, it's free and readily available!


  1. Your sandwich sounds delicious. I had a vegetable salad with some cheese and kalamata olives. Also, 2 cups of hot tea. I don't like salad dressing so I seldom add that. I love braunschweiger. We don't usually slice it though, just scoop it out of the paper roll and spread it. I like it on rye with onions and sweet pickles. No cheese.

    1. Oh... I love kalamata olives! That is a good idea about the braunschweiger.

    2. Yes kalamata olives are so flavorful. Chopped you don't need lots to add a good flavor.

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