Monday, December 26, 2016

Instant Pot - Electric Pressure Cooker - Pressure Cooking chapter 11

If you follow my blog, you may remember that I put up several posts about pressure cooking.  I have been pressure cooking for over 40 years.  Just this month, I purchased an "Instant Pot" when they went on sale at  Oh my!  This is lovely!  It does the same thing as my pressure saucepan, but makes it so much easier.  I don't have to watch it.  It keeps food warm for up to 10 hours.  You can even make yogurt in it.

I was so taken with it, that I waited for the next sale, used a coupon I had and got a second one very cheaply.  In this picture that my husband took 2 days before Christmas, I'm cooking beef bone stock in one of them, and some chili in the other.  I feel very spoiled. (That's because I am.)

If you have ever considered getting an electric pressure cooker, there are other less expensive models out there, but this one has a fine quality stainless steel pot in it, and will never wear out like non-stick surfaces can.


  1. You look very happy in your kitchen. That is a good way to be, I'd say.

    We just actually bought 2 of these, not for us but for our 2 oldest children and their families for Christmas presents. Yes, we picked the one with the stainless steel insert. I do not like anything to do with any non stick surfaces. I heard a lot about them on another cooking blog and they certainly seemed to make sense.

    I hope you had a wonderful Christmas with your family.

    1. Thank you, Athanasia! We really did have a very nice Christmas. I hope you did as well. I love the Christmas spirit. It is so uplifting during these long darker days!

    2. By the way, I think that is really great that you gave the IP's as gifts. I hope they will really use them. They are a wonderful convenience.

    3. Oh, I know they will use them. They are both busy busy. My daughter co-manages a free range chicken farm, has dairy goats and has taken over a retired couples bees. Their new baby is 2 months old. Her husband is a large animal vet. My mother lives with them. We live next door.

      My son and his wife are both counselors. They are expecting their first baby and her parents live with them. They live on the opposite side of town.

      Like me they do all their own cooking, gardening etc. I have hinted for an instant pot for myself for Mother's Day. I have heard good comments from them so far. We all use rice cookers already so will not use for rice but can have a second dish cooking in the instant pot while rice is in cooker. So that is nice.

  2. We just really purchased 2 of these, not for us but rather for our 2 most seasoned youngsters and their families for Christmas presents. Yes, we picked the one with the stainless steel embed. I don't care for anything to do with any non stick surfaces. I heard a great deal about them on another cooking online journal and they positively appeared to bode well.
    Nice sharing!

    1. I'm sure your children will enjoy their Instant Pots. Thank you for your comment! :)
