Thursday, January 12, 2017

A new bread box!!

My birthday was yesterday.  One of our sons and his wife sent me a new bread box?  It is ceramic and I love it.  It's sitting there in the middle on top of the hutch.  :)


  1. Happy Birthday to you! From what I can see in the picture it looks very pretty. It's a little dark on my monitor but I have an old CRT one here. What is the picture you have over the hutch?

    1. It is a print called "A Happy Family." My husband bought it for me for our anniversary several years ago because I admired it in a frame shop. Athanasia, I think maybe you made one other comment and I might have discarded it?

    2. Here is a link to that picture:

    3. Thank you for the picture link. I looked at several others while I was there. I don't think you missed a post. I did just comment on a December one. I am always behind.
