Monday, March 6, 2017

Making leftovers last longer.... a frugal tip

Generally, when I have leftover food in the refrigerator, I will use it for up to a week.  Fish is an exception.  I only keep cooked fish or dishes with fish for 3 days.

If I have some soup or stew that is nearing the end of the week, I don't want to waste it, so I put it in a pot on the stove and simmer it for a few minutes, let it cool and then put it into a clean container and back into the refrigerator.  That way, I can get a few more days to use up the food.

Today, I had some chicken broth, that I had made last week for my husband who was suffering with a head cold, and also some chili.  So, I simmered them and now we can use them up! One caveat... I am not an expert on food safety.  This is just what I do.


  1. That is an interesting tip. I believe it would be OK under most circumstances, like you say.

    We are usually able to use up leftovers, either by eating them (there are only 3 of us at home now) for lunches (my husband eats lunch at home and my daughter and I pack ours for work and school) or finishing them off at dinner. Sometimes they will be in the same form, but often I incorporate the leftover into a new dish. I'm also consciously trying to cook smaller amounts by downsizing the soup kettle to the medium, not the largest. I am not a recipe cook...I am a throw together type cook, substituting and improvising. Needless to say we have many one of a kind meals.

    When I cook or make too much of something I put quarts into the freezer for future use, then we don't have so much to use up. And a quart of soup or stew is enough for the 3 of us to use at one sitting without more leftovers!

    1. Very good. I do that too, and there are only two of us now, so it has been a challenge to not cook too much! Our youngest son used to be so wonderful about eating up all the leftovers, but then he left home and go married!

  2. I like to use jars for many things. Plastic just doesn't cut it for me anymore.

    1. Yes, jars are very nice. I have some 1/2 gallon ones, too, and use them for soup. :)
