Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Are you tired of tips yet? - Saving salad....

When I make a tossed salad of raw vegetables, I usually make quite a bit, and it lasts for a few days for us.  Then, once in a while, it doesn't get eaten before it starts to oxidize and look rather pathetic. It would not be a bad thing to eat it, but it just doesn't look very nice, if you understand...

This morning, I chopped up some oyster mushrooms that I had gathered and part of a red onion that was in the refrigerator and mixed it together with the salad (leaf lettuce, onion, radish, sweet peppers, celery, carrots) and I stir fried it all in extra-virgin olive oil.  I cooked some brown rice in my Instant Pot and served it with Soy Sauce.

It was very good.  :)


  1. Love this tip! We eat mostly baby greens of many varieties, rather than just lettuce, so this works well for our kitchen.

  2. We like salad also and I usually make up a large container at once so it is easy to scoop out a serving as needed. I have never thought about cooking up the dregs, if there are any. We usually give to the dogs. In fact when we are making salads they are usually right there waiting for any airborne tidbits to be thrown their way.
