Monday, December 11, 2017

That Gingerbread House...

Years ago, I posted instructions for making a gingerbread house.  I had learned how to do it back in the 80's from some sisters in Relief Society.  Later, I posted a "humble healthy" gingerbread house and got rid of the other one, but then realized that leaves you without a pattern!  I reposted that 2 days ago and then realized my mistake... so now I have found a blog post that someone else has made with the exact instructions and pattern that I used to use.  It is simple and fun.  Here is the link:

Here is how I decorated my Humble Healthy version with popcorn, nuts, seeds and raisins:

This is a nice project to do with children.  We used to make one every year and then on New Year's Day the children would divide it up and eat it!  


  1. As you will see I am behind reading everyone, so I'm working backwards.

    Popcorn is a great idea for the roof. Looks snow like and much less sugar content.

  2. Thank you for sharing the instructions for this cute little gingerbread house. You did a great job!

