Saturday, August 11, 2012

A way to save extra Jalapeno Peppers

2012 has brought us an amazing crop of Jalapeno peppers.  I use them in omelets, soup, stir fries and salsa, but they still keep coming.  This morning I strung some of them with a big needle on button thread and hung them in the kitchen to dry.  I can drop one into a pot of soup to add some heat, or rehydrate them to use for other dishes.  This is a simple, fast and economical way to save some of summer's bounty!


  1. Don't forget that you can ferment them in kefir whey! We loved those when you helped me do that at our house. I would throw those in omelets and on tacos. So good!

  2. Thank you for the reminder! That had slipped my mind. :)

  3. Thanks to both of you for the ideas...we're overflowing with peppers here!
