Monday, August 13, 2012

Sometimes I make White Bread...

I've been wanting to make some French toast.  In my opinion, the very Best bread for French toast is homemade white bread.  I ran across this recipe today and decided to give it a try.  The only things I would add to her instructions are that if you use raw milk (I do) it needs to be scalded first, and... use at least 2 teaspoons salt.  I don't think 3 teaspoons would have been too much. Also, on the second kneading, I only did it for 3 minutes, not the 10 suggested.    Her recipe is very easy and as you can see, the results are spectacular! Thank you, Stacy!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! There is a whole loaf in the freezer now. Hurry! ;)

  2. I love white bread! I just wish it didn't get so dry. I hate freezing bread...

  3. I will have to agree with you about the homemade bread being better for french toast.

    I use the recipe from the King Arthur Flour website with great results too.

    Wishing you live,


  4. Looking for a new white bread recipe..yours looks awful good and tall..I my pans...I don't get a good rise out of the bread in silicone pans..I it because the dough spreads out because the pans sides expand? Sounds plausible enough no? Anyway I have some regular loaf pans..and I think I will try this recipe out..I have been unhappy with my bread of late..because they don't rise high it does make a difference in the taste...thanks for sharing the recipe with me..:)

    1. I hope it works out well for you Faith. The pan SIZE has a lot to do with it, but I don't know if the silicone would make any difference or not. I have both pyrex and cast iron pans and enjoy both of them. Good luck! Please let me know how it turns out!

  5. Oh this recipe is perfect for me...I knew it was going to be good bread when it got all frothy and such..I'm posting about it tomarrow..I've linked to you, and also where you got the recipe from...I used regular bread pan not the silicone, you'll see the difference WOW! Not that is homemade bread...Thank you so much...

    1. You're welcome and I'm SO glad to hear it turned out well. How nice. :)
