Thursday, August 30, 2012

Tomato Chips Report :)

Well, here they are ~ The Tomato chips!  This began yesterday's "cascade."  All of them The ones I didn't eat immediately fit in this quart jar.  They are SO yummy!  And here, again, is a picture of what I started with:

If I get some more tomatoes, I think I will dry them plain like this and then see if I can turn them into a powder in the blender.  That would be a nice addition (I assume) to soups, sauces, and dips.


  1. I bet those are much better than those dehydrated sealed tomatoes we were given when we were kids. Remember those?

    1. Vaguely. They were kind of nasty, as I recall. These are yummy!

  2. I dried some tomato slices a couple of weeks and did put them in the blender and turn them into powder. Worked out very nice, though too they would be a good addition to soup. Making spaghetti sauce today, picked a hot day for canning;) Have a great evening.

  3. Another tasty use is to grind the tomato chips in a food processor along
    with garlic, olive oil, and pine nuts ( or walnuts or pecans) and enjoy as
    a tomato pesto on toasted baguettes. For extra yumminess, top over a smear
    of goat cheese or cream cheese. Mmmm!

    1. That sounds really wonderful. Ah.... thank you! :D
