Wednesday, December 26, 2012

A slightly unusual supper...

My husband spent 3 or 4 hours this afternoon clearing snow from our driveway and the neighbors' driveways.  When he finally came in, he didn't want a "proper" supper at all, and asked for a smoothie, so that is what I made for him. That left me with the question of what I should have, so, this is what I did:

I have quite a lot of dehydrated, sliced zucchini squash.  
 I put some of them in water for a couple of hours and then drained them and
cooked them in butter and added salt and pepper.

We also have quite a few apples that have gotten rather shriveled and are not much fun to eat.
So, I peeled some, cut them into small pieces and put them in a saucepan with a little water.
They were cooked, with a lid on, on "low" until they were tender.

Here is my dinner plate.  I sprinkled ground cinnamon on the applesauce.
It was all surprisingly good! :)
I really enjoy "eking out" with what we have on hand!

This is linked to Simple Lives Thursday #127.


  1. What a great idea! Especially the applesauce, that's something I'll make next time I have apples.
    There's no snow overhere, just a lot of rain.

    1. I'm glad you like the applesauce idea! I learned that from a friend 34 years ago. :)

  2. Did you have to do anything special to dehydrate the zucchini? Steamed fresh summer squash is my FAVORITE, and this looks like a great way to have it year around! Plus, a great way to preserve an easy to grow thing! YAY!

    1. I just slice it thinly and dehydrate it! I'm pretty sure you're "supposed" to blanch it or something, but I never do and it keeps very well. Good luck!

  3. I love fresh applesauce! Yum...
