Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas

In recent years, our Christmas Eve Tradition is to eat my "World Famous" donuts and then watch Mr. Krueger's Christmas together with whatever family or friends care to come. 

I hope each one of you will have a Very Merry Christmas,
and that you are all with loved ones at this wondrous
and sacred time of year.

Thank you for being a part of my life!


  1. Merry Christmas Mom! I'll be right over on the next flight. I LOVE your donuts!!!!!!!!

  2. I still say you are my favorite neighbor who lives way too far away! Donuts! They would have gone great with my organic mulled cider. YUM! Have a meaningful and peaceful Christmas and a wonderful year to follow!
    Carol G.

  3. You're so sweet. I hope your Christmas is good and happy and that 2013 will be kind to you and yours.

  4. Love traditions like this! Wishing you a delightful Christmas day.

  5. Thank you for wishing me a merry christmas! I hope you had a great time.
    Here in The Netherlands we celebrate two Christmas days, so today we'll party all over again :)
