Saturday, February 9, 2013

A beautiful morning...

Just some personal musings, and then another note about my quilt...  When I was 3-years-old, my parents passed away.  Shortly thereafter, I was adopted by my father's sister and her husband, my aunt and uncle.  They were a young childless couple.  I was greatly loved and kindly treated.  My new mom quit her job, which she had taken during WWII, as many women did then.  She came home to raise me, full-time.  What a wonderful home I had.  I was pondering about it this morning.  My heart swelled with gratitude for the sacrifices they made for me, by choice.  Mom stayed home and fed me 3 nice meals a day, sewed most of my clothing for a number of years, gardened, and taught me so many things. My dad had a good job and worked hard providing for all of us. I can never "re-pay" it, but I do wish to live my life in such a way as to honor their kindness...

I hope, when it is my time to go home to meet them, that I won't look back to now, and think that I wish I had lived my life differently.  I know we will all have regrets.  But I hope not to take on any more than necessary. 

Here you can see where I am hand-quilting my new quilt.  I just have it lying on a work table.

A closer look at my hand stitching - far from perfect, but I suspect by the time I get this finished, my stitches will be more even. 

It is very gentle, relaxing work.


  1. :) Don't worry, you are one of the nicest people I know! That quilt is really pretty!

  2. This is a lovely tribute to them.. They sound like wonderful caring people, and you are all blessed. I am getting interested in Kefir, and would like to purchase some grains from you. How do I find you on Ebay?

  3. Thank you, Faith. I don't currently have any extra grains to share or sell. Since winter came and now that goat milk is short, they grow very slowly. I wish I could help you out! This listing looks good:

  4. When I was first reading this post I thought you wrote "and then another note about my guilt", not quilt, LOL! I was thinking, "What did she do?" Anyway, Isabel is right, you are the nicest person I know too! And your quilt is really nice. I can't wait to meet all of your parents someday!

    1. That's hilarious! I sometimes read like that, too, and it's very confusing! Thank you. Thanks you. I am looking forward to that as well. :)

  5. I am very grateful for your parents. They raised a wonderful lady that is now my mother. Love you Mom.

  6. Thank you for the link for the kefir grains, I was hoping to purchase them from you :(, I'll give the link a look see..I hope I do better with the Kefir then I did with homemade mozzarella...what a hoot that was....

    1. It's funny you mentioned that. I have made mozzarella a few times, but it never turns out quite right. I wish I had someone to show me! I still use it, but I want to get better at it.

  7. Im sorry you lost your parents at such a young age but I am so happy that you got such loving parents. That is not always the case. They did a great job raising you. You are very kind and a good steward of what is given to you.
    Your quilt is absolutely beautiful.

    1. Thank you. Yes, I was very fortunate to be taken in the way I was. I'm glad you like my quilt! :)
