Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Soothing Hand Cream

This is a simple and lovely way to make hand cream. When you use it, only use a tiny amount.  It isn't necessary to use enough to make your hands oily.  It is as if the oil is just a carrier for the yummy beeswax!

1/2 cup olive oil (I used extra-virgin, but you don't have to.)
1 ounce pure beeswax

Put these ingredients in a little jar.  Set the jar on top of an old canning ring in a small saucepan.  Fill the pan up with water to about halfway up the jar.  Heat on medium heat and stir from time to time until the beeswax is completely melted.  Carefully remove jar from pan (it is hot!) and allow to cool completely.  Place a lid on your jar.

That's it!

I love this cream.  It will seem a big stiff, but just get a little bit with your finger and as you rub it on your hands, it will melt immediately.  If your hands seem oily, you've used more than necessary.


  1. what a great idea, I will bw making some of this tonight I think

  2. Great idea. I think I will try this, but add a few drops of lavender oil for a soft scent.

  3. How nice! I love being able to make my own homemade things.

  4. That's awesome! It looks (and sounds) really nice. I like the glass jar you have it in. I bought ingredients for making body lotion and some lip balm, but haven't done it yet.

    1. It's really nice and fun to make one's own personal care products from safe ingredients. Let me know how it turns out!
