Friday, March 1, 2013

Frugal Fruit...

I had a few oranges that were not looking really nice anymore.  I cut off the peels, sliced the flesh into about 1/4 inch slices and dehydrated them.

I also had a few bananas that were very ripe.  Not black, just very ripe.  I peeled them, sliced them and dehydrated them at the same time.


This post is linked to Clever Chicks Blog Hop!


  1. Sometimes I dry bananas instead of freezing them for smoothies and they are gone in no time! Eva has discovered that she likes eating frozen bananas, so that is a great way to keep my freezer from getting too full of them. Plus the Blue Apples helps a LOT. The world needs to know about Blue Apples!

    1. Yes! Put it on YouTube and FaceBook!!! I LOVE my Blue Apples! Put it on your blog! Maybe I should too! I love frozen bananas. It's like and ice cream bar. :)

  2. I want a dehydrator! This is something my girls would love - thanks for sharing!
