Saturday, March 2, 2013

March 2013 ~ What's left of the garlic...

Here is all that is left of my 2012 garlic!  I didn't want you to feel sorry for me... I just want you to see how well this variety keeps!  I just have it hanging in a basket above the kitchen sink.  It's very warm and dry up there.  The cloves are still crisp.  It's an amazing variety.  By the way, I still have some seeds to give away if anyone is interested.  You'd just need to send me an SASE with two first class stamps.


  1. I know the feeling. I just put a picture of the garlic I have left up on facebook and announced Summer can't come fast enough!
    This year we're going with varieties of garlic. We'll see how they do!

  2. The seeds arrived today, it sure smelled good when I opened up the packaga. Thank you for the seeds, and the instructions. I never knew of the seeds before, I thought the cloves were the seeds...learn something new every day. looking forward to when I plant them.

    1. Oh, good! Thank you for letting me know! And good luck with them.
