Wednesday, March 13, 2013

I have two ironing boards...

Many years ago, my daughter, who was a teenager at the time, told me that when she grew up and had her own home, her ironing board cover was NEVER going to be dirty, like mine.  :)  Fast forward a few years... she is married and has a little girl of her own.  I went to visit.  In an email before I went, she said this, "I can't WAIT for you to see my dirty ironing board!"  :D

Well, I have TWO ironing boards.  My first, and most beloved actually was owned by my grandmother.  It is All metal and STURDY, and heavy.  It's great!  I also have a small tabletop ironing board that I use when I am doing things like piecing a quilt and need to do a lot of small ironing during the process.  I put it on the table beside me and so it saves time.

Both boards had disgusting covers.  They didn't start out that way, of course.  That's Just What Happens!  I was recently inspired by this wonderful YouTube video:

Wendi Gratz has lots of nice videos about hand sewing, embroidery and all sorts of things. You can put her name in the search field at the top of YouTube to find them.

Back to the blog post...  Last night, using Wendi's instructions, I recovered both of my ironing boards!  Here are some pictures.  I didn't take any "before" pictures... just TOO scary!

The cover for the large ironing board I made from a pretty cotton percale sheet I found at a local thrift store.

Here it is.

I covered the smaller ironing board with a piece of cotton fabric that I've had FOREVER.  I suspect it was probably my mom's.

And here it is, finished! By the way, I used a small safety pin instead of the blunt end needle she used.  I don't have one of those.

It's so pleasant to have nice clean covers!  The old ones were getting so worn and dirty, I was getting reluctant to use them.

Please take a moment and go to Wendi's sweet website here:  ShinyHappyWorld  

How is your ironing board looking?

This post is linked to Simple Lives Thursday!


  1. Oh they look so nice. I will visit Wendy's site. Since moving back into a house I dont even have an ironing board yet. Ive been using a towel on a table top.

    1. Thank you, Debbie! Yes, you need an ironing board! It really saves time, i.e. ironing a man's shirt and such things.
